SponsorShipSimone Butterfly TV will air on DCN channel 16 for 12 weeks starting on September 23, 2016 at 9pm. Each episode will run 3 times per week. The Simone Butterfly launch party will be held on September 23, 2016 from 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm at the Office of Cable Television, Music, Film and Entertainment (OFCTME).
Company Name/Logo infographic exposure via DCN Channel 16 with a viewership base of --- 1 - 60 second segment inserted in 1 of 12 episodes |
gold $500
Company Name/Logo exposure via DCN Channel 16 with a viewership base of --- 1 - 30 second segment to be inserted in 1 (of 12) segments |
silver $300
Company Name/Logo exposure via DCN Channel 16 with a viewership base of --- 1 - 30 second segment |
crystal $50
Individual Name exposure listed via DCN Channel 16 with a viewership base of --- name listed on donor page displayed for 30 seconds after credits |