FASHIONETTE QUERY 105: DC's winters are so dreary that I am thinking of getting a teeny tiny doggy to bring some life into my walk up. The only problem is my job. I am a 2nd year Associate with no time for promenades or thrice daily feedings. Plan B?
SIMONE: Forget about puppy love for now and opt for a bit of greenery. According to Delores at Flowers on 14th Street, teeny tiny terrariums are the newest way to add life to the home front. All you need is your widest vase, pebbles from Rock Creek, ever green moss and several succulents (think aloe vera, agave and sedum). The resulting menagerie is not only hearty (it can actually thrive on DC tap water twice a month), but is also low cost (25-$35). Now you can surround yourself with still life forms in every room for next to nothing. Flowers on Fourteenth: 1718-14th Street, NW
FASHIONETTE QUERY: My new Denise Austin pilates podcast is working wonders for the muscles in my lower half. But what can be done to pump up my skin? She is beginning to droop despite our daily pep talks! Please advise.
SIMONE SAYS: Bliss spa at the W hotel offers a 75 minute fatgirlslim seaweed body toning treatment designed to whip your thighs, bum and abs into fighting shape. For optimal results slather on Bliss’ Lovehandler and Fatgirlslim cream daily. You'll be back to your younger perkier self in no time. |
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